Trend Review
Our Top Slacks of 2019
We have officially landed in 2020 — which means that, yes, it is time to look back at all the best moments from 2019! But what really got the Wasters excited last year? I’ve analysed a whole year of amazing announcements, photoshop portraits and even riveting raps... and put together a list of the most reacted to slack messages of the year. Come with me as I take you on a journey through a year in the life of the Waste #general slack channel. Presented in descending order...

No. 10
Tara’s Take on TikTok - 38 reactions
Our own Tara Ellis took it on to write an article for Mobile Marketing Magazine giving a fabulous round up of WTF is TikTok.
Patrick’s Spread in ImagineFX Magazine - 39 reactions
One of our in house illustrators Patrick wowed the team with his own spread in ImagineFX Magazine showcasing his graphic novel, Necropolis.

No. 8
What's the scores, George Dawes - 41 reactions
After a minor mishap involving a small amount of smoke being spotted coming from the server cupboard. Our game capture artist, and self appointed health and safety monitor, G-Sad pleaded with the team to save the server and keep the doors open. A worthy cause if I’ve ever seen one.
Word. Ben’s Short Rap about Ennis - 43 reactions
We said goodbye to one of our longest serving Wastemen, Motion Graphics Designer Ennis. As Ennis goes back to his homeland Editor Ben took it upon himself to immortalise the man in rap format to the delight of the Waste Crew.

Brawl Stars Clio Nomination - 48 reactions
The first and certainly not the last mention of awards in the countdown. Creative Director Mike announces the Brawl Stars Clio award nomination. The 2 prawn reactions are still a mystery.
No. 5
Bake Off Appreciation - 50 reactions
Wasters love nothing more than friendly competition and cake, so when PM Abi Roper combined the two for a Waste Bake off the reaction was egg-cellent. Not a soggy bottom in sight!

No. 4
Daddy Cool - 55 reactions
Art Director Sam Whiffing introduced the team to his second child Woody Bear. Love hearts aplenty were dished out for our latest Wasteman.
No. 3
Intern Introductions - 56 reactions
Throwing the newly created intern team right into the deep end wasn’t a problem for our intern intake. They took it all in their stride with their introduction video getting the whole office reacting.

No. 2
Drum Nominations - 71 reactions
The third most prestigious awards after the Oscars and the Grammys, Managing Director Visar announces our epic (4’s almost as good as 5) nomination haul from the Drum Content Awards.
And our top voted slack of 2019 was...
No. 1
BIMA Awards Win - 84 reactions
Project Manager Jordan shares a series of photos of the team picking up our BIMA award. Never skipping leg day really pays off as Jordan sports a sturdy squat to fit in the frame with the rest of the team. #SquatGoals
From industry insights to new beginnings, we have celebrated a lot in 2019. As we move forward to the new decade I wonder what we'll be celebrating this year? Head of Strategy, Christian has his suggestions on what the next decade will look like for digital, but watch this space for more news, raps, designs and updates from the Waste team.