Case Study
Supercell Instagram Takeover: "Barblife"
Clash of Clans has a whopping 5.3m followers on Instagram, but organic engagement had waned slightly in-between major game updates. It needed a little…clansformation!
The Idea
After conducting a channel audit, we learned that the Instagram community particularly loved narrative-driven content that let them escape into the Clash of Clans universe.
So - we created a lifestyle-themed channel takeover starring one of the most beloved and iconic Clash characters - The Barbarian. Fans were invited to join us on Instagram for a week of exclusive content, observing the perfectly-chiselled Barb in his natural habitat.

What We Did
We mapped out a week’s worth of in-feed posts that mixed illustration styles, frame-by-frame animations and gameplay sequences. Using Instagram Stories, players were invited to feedback on facial hair, his choice of footwear, his grooming regime, and they were encouraged to tag friends and spot hidden details.

The Results
At the end of the month we saw a strong uplift in channel followers, with consistently high organic engagement and positive sentiment. Fans asked when the next channel takeover would be happening, and started lobbying for their favourite characters to feature. Watch. This. Space